Rainbow TOLO

Chaperoned formal dance for Port Angeles area students Grades 6 to 8 only at Port Angeles Masonic Temple, 622 So. Lincoln Street.

Fundraiser supports WA/Idaho Rainbow Girls, helping families and youth at risk for homelessness

Pre-sale tickets $20.00 at ticketleap https://port-angeles-iorg.ticketleap.comĀ  and at the door $25.00 (cash only)

The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Elevate PA, and other related entities provide this calendar as a public service, and shall not be held liable for content, dates, or information contained within. We do our best to moderate events, but please contact the organizer if you have any questions or concerns.


Feb 03 2024


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Port Angeles Masonic Temple
622 S. Lincoln Street, Port Angeles WA
QR Code