Foster Parent Information Session – Noon Session
Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent but aren’t sure if you meet the requirements or are looking to learn more?
If so, join us for our monthly Foster Parent Information Session, where we discuss all things foster care-related and dedicate time to answering your questions.
Please join us on zoom the first Tuesday of every month at 12 P.M or 6 P.M. To register, visit
5/2/23 12PM and 6 PM (two offerings)
The first Tuesday of every month
NOTE: This is a statewide, monthly, virtual event, happening at 12 pm and 6 pm. Although it is a statewide event, there is a great need for foster parents in Clallam County, in order to keep more children in youth in foster care in Clallam County.
The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Elevate PA, and other related entities provide this calendar as a public service, and shall not be held liable for content, dates, or information contained within. We do our best to moderate events, but please contact the organizer if you have any questions or concerns.