Master Gardener Plant Clinic – Sequim
Come join us at the Sequim Farmer’s Market! We look forward to sharing WSU Extension Resources with you.
Clinicians will be available from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm each Saturday listed.
Master Gardeners will be there on
May 11th and 25th
June 8th and 29th
July 6th, 13th, and 27th
August 10th, 24th, and 31st
September 14th and 28th
and October 5th.
Master Gardener Plant clinics are opportunities for members of the public to get help solving gardening problems, or finding out about the latest sustainable garden practices. If you would like a plant or insect identified or a disease diagnosed, please bring as much information to the plant clinic as possible, including plant samples or photographs.
The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Elevate PA, and other related entities provide this calendar as a public service, and shall not be held liable for content, dates, or information contained within. We do our best to moderate events, but please contact the organizer if you have any questions or concerns.