Studium Generale Port Townsend: Arran Stark

Event Location: Port Townsend Campus

Arran Stark is the Director of Food Services at Jefferson Healthcare.

He incorporates fresh local ingredients in his kitchen at Jefferson Healthcare.  “I really want to take the food across the board. I want to take it to the patients. I want to take it to employees. I want to take it to guests of the hospital – good wholesome food that is prepared from the heart.”

Arran Stark has been cooking for over 30 years with a passion for lifelong learning and teaching. He considers himself a “Jack of all trades” with passions in music, stand-up paddle boarding, gardening, and family.

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May 02 2024


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Peninsula College
1502 E Lauridsen Blvd


Peninsula College
Peninsula College
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