Summer Welding & Metal Art 2

This course is designed for the artist and/or hobbyist and will cover welding safety, oxyacetylene welding and plasma cutting. Various techniques of metal forming and design will be covered. Methods of instruction will include lectures on principles of safety practices, welding and cutting processes, shielding gasses, and filler metals. Class meets for a total of 28 hours. Open to students 16 years of age and older.

Course fee: $475.00
Dates: 7/5/2024 – 8/16/2024
Times: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Days: F
Sessions: 7
Room: Peninsula College Main Campus

The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Elevate PA, and other related entities provide this calendar as a public service, and shall not be held liable for content, dates, or information contained within. We do our best to moderate events, but please contact the organizer if you have any questions or concerns.


Jul 05 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


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